Monday, February 24, 2014


Nice job..

Friday, January 18, 2008

Yey! Mr Ah Fa orang pertama mengepost di tahun baru!!

Oi, tukar le theme blog ni..

Agak gay la rupanya XD


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Semangat Anak Tempatan

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Speed Up Musangapi 30X

Kepada Brotherhood yg menggunakan Firefox aka Musangapi, tingkatkan speed browser anda...

1. Mula2 type "about:config" kat address browser... Lepas tu scroll down sampai hangpa semua jumpa:


Apa yg aku paham bila kita surf, browser akan bt request kat server... Lepas tu server akan hantaq data yg kita minta... Bila data yg browser dpt tak cukup, browser akan request lg sampai la page yg kita tgk tu dpt semua datanya... Bila kita enable kan pipeline ni, request yg kita minta lebih dari satu... Jd pendek kata akan meningkatkan page loading kita...

2. Modifier skit configuration Musangapi kita ni...

Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true"

Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true"

Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" kpd nilai 30.

Sbb apa 30? Sbb tajuk post ni Speed Up Musangapi 30X. Kalau 30, maka 30 kali la browser bt request... Nak letak brp yg sesuai? Tepuk dada tanyalah selera masing2...

3. Last sekali right-click kt mana2 pun dan select New then Integer.
Type in "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" dan set value "0".
Value ni utk masa browser responds kat data yg terima dr server...

Skrg connection Streamyx akan load data 30X lebih laju dr biasa... Jgn salah faham, speed Streamyx ttp tak berubah tp load page yg laju... Jd lagging page load akan kurang... Aku dpt rasa perbezaannya bila load secure web...

Slmt mencuba...

Friday, July 27, 2007

India - Reclaiming The Throne of Chopper King!

Thousands of years ago, people walked the earth. The people at that time didn't have the choice of transportations that we have nowadays. But in one country, a revolution took place! The people there created a mode of transportation that remains famous and stylish till this very day. The ancient Indians have created the chopper! (High Powered Motorbikes)

But now time has changed everything, Japan it seems, is today's best manufacturer of motorbikes, just ask around..who haven't heard of Honda Rune, Honda Valkyrie, Kawasaki Katana, etc.

A lot of people around the world, us malaysians included, believe that Japan would keep on manufacturing bikes and go unchallenged..but we're wrong! Indians have gone angry, they're not happy with the fact that they're no longer number one in the arena.

And so, I have found out that on 21/07/07 a very prominent company of some sort in India has produced a very powerful chopper that still retains certain aspects of their ancient chopper. I honestly think that the company did a marvelous job and I'm confident that when more of the chopper is manufactured and sold around the world the Japanese monopoly will be crushed.

It is called Kalkutta BZ if i'm not mistaken la..and you have to be more skillful than Valentino Rossi to ride one.